3 Take-aways from working at a tech startup
I recently reflected on the differences that I experienced from moving from a larger company to a startup environment. To be honest, there are a lot of areas that…
Getting the most out of every marketing resource
Click Here to learn how the cover photo talks about being resourceful. I have come to the conclusion that I love to build things. It is what drives me.…
How writing a blog helps decision making
(Not know the reference of the cover image?) I commonly get asked why I write a blog. Originally, I created a blog to help startups and create a personal…
Why the 9-5 does not work for Small Business
If you do not understand the featured image’s relevance (click here) What classifies a full-time job? It commonly comes down to executing 40 hours of “work” a week. This…
Fail Fast: How to Find Success Through Repetitive Failures
Whenever I come across a house project that I am not sure about, I immediately go to YouTube. YouTube is an amazing resource for those looking to find out…
Plan Ahead: What makes your company different?
When constructing a house I sure hope that the builders have an idea of what the finished product should look like. Without a plan or a blueprint, then it…
How Competition Makes Marketers Jump Off Bridges
I get contacted by sales people all the time asking me if I would like to attend their events. Oddly and they all seem to use the very same…
Stop saying NO and start thinking what would make you say YES
Every homeowner has a task that they do not want to do, whether it is electrical, plumbing, or as simple as replacing a light bulb — we all know…
How to do ALL the Social Media!
I have worked for a variety of companies that have shared very different opinions on how to use Social Media. Some have wanted to invest heavily in it and have…
The Keys to Being Successful: As A Person or Business
Jumping into home ownership is commonly not a rash decision you made on a limb. It takes planning and there are a lot of variables play a role;…