Plan Ahead: What makes your company different?
When constructing a house I sure hope that the builders have an idea of what the finished product should look like. Without a plan or a blueprint, then it…
How Competition Makes Marketers Jump Off Bridges
I get contacted by sales people all the time asking me if I would like to attend their events. Oddly and they all seem to use the very same…
Digital Marketing, The (possible) Death of Loyalty
Throughout my blogs you will undoubtedly hear me preach the need for automation across all areas of marketing as well as any operation. Yet, there are negatives to automation.…
Blue Ocean vs. Red Ocean Marketing
I would assume very few houses have been erected without a plan. The truth is if you are looking to build a quality home, you do not just…
Marketing to Millennials with a K.I.S.S.
My kitchen is absolutely hideous, like Jake from State Farm Hideous, my cupboards are painted dark green, which is probably the 5th layer of paint covering them at this…
Marketing the WHY and not the WHAT
When you host a dinner party and want to spread the word, how often do you say: come over to my collection of piping, wood, metal, and wire to…